Konnichiwa minna san and welcome to Kanashii, a site dedicated to the anime Kyuuketsuki Miyu also known as Kyuuketsu Hime Miyu or Vampire Princess Miyu.
This website concentrates upon the OAVs and the TV series. I tried to cover almost everything I could think of so you'll find a lot of information and media here to keep you busy for a while.
But enough with the intro, enjoy your visit here ^^
May 28, 2006
Hmm.. I got some news for you (not really updates). First off, Kanashii is now affiliated with Sonia's Naru Narusegawa shrine, do check it out if you haven't already ^^
Secondly.. man... the guys from Go Daddy have banned Romania O_O I can't renew my domain, and it seems I can't transfer it either. I can't believe this is actually happening. Anyway, I'll probably lose this domain (I'm sure someone else will steal it from me :P) and I already have another one in mind, but I will tell you about this when.. ugh.. I'll purchase it (through some crappy Romanian company). Umm.. I guess that's it for now (and May tunes are finally up ^^;).